Begonia care and cultivation at home

Begonia is a deciduous, beautifully flowering plant, often grown at home and in gardens. It has many species, varieties, it can be annual and perennial, high or low, differs in color of flowers, foliage. Caring for begonias is completely uncomplicated, but separate rules, common to almost all varieties of the flower, must be observed.

Begonia - features, characteristics

The Begonia flower belongs to the Begonia family, in which there are about a thousand different species. Among them are shrubs, dwarf shrubs, perennial, annual grasses, erect, ampelous, creeping and climbing, growing on the ground or as epiphytes. All sorts of hybrids, according to various estimates, account for more than a half or two thousand.

All Begonia originate from the tropics, and got its name in the 17th century, in honor of one of the governors of Tahiti, by the name of Begon, who collected ornamental plants. In Russia, the flower was called "Napoleon's ear", because in some angles its leaves look like a reddish frostbitten ear. Now the plant is found in India and the Himalayas, in Africa and America.

Begonias are very diverse, but they all have a fruit-box with the smallest seeds, asymmetrical leaves, mostly distantly resembling maple. The stem, like the leaf stalks, is fleshy and juicy, the flowers are same-sex, they are located two or three pieces in the leaf axils. Because of its decoration, Begonia has become the most popular indoor flower.

Main species, begonia varieties

Begonia is conventionally divided into three groups, different in description:

  • Tuberous are various hybrids of tuberous begonia, in which a fleshy stem and tuber, are erect and ampelous, they are recommended to be planted in open ground. Tuberous species are divided into giant, large-flowered, small-flowered;
  • leafy - predominantly stemless species with a creeping ground root, from which leaves of various shapes, color on long petioles (hornberry-leaved, red-leaved, royal, Hornwood, Mason, Griffith) extend;
  • bush - they have a branchy upright stalk (luxurious, Incana, bright red, coral, metal, white-spotted, tiara, always-flowering, winter).

Leafy Begonia

Most sheet rocks are characterized by noticeable asymmetry of sheet plates. The leaves themselves are green, olive with silvery spots, red-maroon and even black like terry (begonia black). The most popular species include:

  • Royal or Begonia Rex - beautiful, but very picky about the conditions of detention. All year round she needs high air humidity because in the hot summer, and also during the heating period, the pot is placed on a wet sand pan or a bucket next to it, a jar of water, regularly sprayed leaves that reach 25-32 cm long, have a dark color. - green to pinkish-purple or violet;
  • tiger (blended maple leaves, bauer) —the coloring resembles the pattern on the tiger's hair, the color varies from pale green to burgundy, with stains of a silvery, dark green color scheme. Outwardly, it is a lush bush, up to 30 cm high, with many leaves, flowers are small, white. This species does not tolerate direct sunlight;
  • coral - bush species, 60-110 cm tall. The leaves are large, toothed, their upper side is green with silver flecks, the bottom is maroon, small flowers, mostly pink;
  • carolinolist - creeping shoots, three to four cm thick, long, dissected leaves on yellowish petioles. Flowers are greenish-pink, inflorescences loose, racemes. Appear in February and March.

Decorative blooming begonia

The most frequently bred houses in greenhouses are decorative flowering varieties:

  • ever flowering - a sun-love hybrid capable of growing in a pot on a window sill, greenhouse conditions, and in an open-air park, a lawn, and a private garden. Height - up to 50-65 cm, the stem from erect, becomes semi-amber with age. The leaves are small, rounded, small flowers, soft white, reddish or pink;
  • elatior - in the beginning of the twentieth century they were bred in the territory of England from tuberous species. Bloom profusely, almost year-round, creamy yellow, snow-white, pinkish, bright red flowers. The leaves are shiny above, matt below. The most popular variety is the begonia of Riguera, named after the breeder;
  • ampelnaya - most often grown on balconies, in wall pots. Stems drooping, decorated with a large number of double, semi-double flowers, red, orange, white, yellow color schemes or variegated. The sizes of flowers are very different.

Popular hybrid varieties of decorative flowering begonias

There are a great many hybrids in artificial conditions - they usually combine not only beautiful flowers, but also very decorative foliage.

By ornamental flowering hybrid varieties include:

  • Harlequin is a miniature spreading bush, up to 27 cm high, the foliage is mostly green. Terry flowers, large - up to 10-13 cm in diameter, yellow color scheme with a reddish border;
  • Fejerflamme - the average height of the bush - no more than 19-22 cm. The leaves are green, the veins on them - crimson color scheme. Semi-double flowers, up to 3.5 cm in size, orange-pink in color;
  • Gold Dress is a half sprawling bush, 20-25 cm tall, with leaves of pale green color scheme. Flowers are bright yellow, double, rose-like, with a diameter of 17-19 cm;
  • Marmorata is a half-spreading bush, height is up to 27 cm, scarlet terry flowers have diameter up to 13 cm, their surface is decorated with light strokes;
  • Duck Red - a tiny sprawling bush, up to 15-17 cm in height. The foliage is dark green in color, the flowers resemble peonies, with a diameter of 8-10 cm, their color is dark red;
  • Dayana Vinyard - a bush up to 25 cm high, decorated with pale green leaves. Gustomarovye flowers have petals in the "fold", diameter 18-22 cm, painted white, cream;
  • Camellia Flora - approximate height of the bush - 23-28 cm, the leaves are green. The flowers are large, up to 11 cm in diameter, camel-like, with imbricated petals of a pink color scheme with a white border;
  • Ami Jean Bard - a miniature bush grows to 10-13 cm, has small green leaves. Inflorescences consist of five double flowers, up to three cm in diameter, painted in yellow-orange;
  • Crisp Marginata - bush up to 17 cm, folded leaves, green with purple veins. Flowers reach a size of 11-13 cm, their color is white, with a bright red border, side petals are crimped.

How to care at home

Begonia is very unpretentious, but will look good only with decent care. When landing, it is required to allocate a certain place, which should be well illuminated, but not be under the direct rays of the sun. The windowsills on the east, west side are best suited, the depth of the room is on the south. Ideal temperature of 17-19 degrees, but in the summer it is permissible a little more.

Begonia is a plant of tropics, subtropics, because it requires high humidity of air and soil. But it is not advisable to spray most species with water - stains may form on the leaves. To maintain the desired level of humidity, the flower is watered as the soil dries out, and in winter, when the air is very dry due to heating, the pot is placed in a large pan in which sand or expanded clay is poured, it is constantly moistened.

Begonias need space - when overcrowded, the plant becomes sick, stops blooming, starts to shed leaves. Systematic airing is also necessary, extremely low or high temperatures, as well as drafts adversely affect it.

Selection of soil pot

The pot will suit the most ordinary: clay, porcelain, in extreme cases - plastic. Its size is selected by three to five cm more than the existing earthen coma with roots. Too large flowerpots are not recommended, because the soil is easy to re-moisten, the plant will bloom much later, it may start to rot. Soil mixture is usually purchased ready-made, in a flower shop, less often - they make up independently. Its composition is sheet, turf ground or humus, sand, peat, the ratio of the components is 2 to 1 to 1 to 1, the acceptable acidity is pH 5.5-6.4.

Location, lighting

On the sunny southern windowsills, begonia is usually not planted - it will be too hot and dry there. Most of the species best fit the eastern and western windows, and some - even the north. A suitable light mode - soft sunlight in the morning, from 7 to 12, in the evening - from 17 to 22. Large-sheet species, especially with brightly colored reddish-maroon, white and pink, spotty leaves, are more demanding of light. In addition to the hot summer period, it is permissible to leave them on the southern windows, decorative-flowering placed in the north-west, west, east, northeast, less often - on the north window. Direct sunlight causes burns on delicate leaves, especially if the flower has recently been watered and there are droplets of water on it.

When sunshine is not enough (from October to March), it is permissible to illuminate the begonia with fluorescent phytolamps. The recommended average day length for decorative leafy, long-flowering species is 12-14 hours daily.

Temperature, humidity

Temperature conditions should not cause stress in the plant, that is, be relatively constant - about 18 degrees. In summer, the maximum allowable temperature is 21-24 degrees, the minimum winter temperature is 15-16 degrees. It is advisable to place the flower away from radiators, household heaters, gas or electric stoves.

Acceptable humidity is about 55%, in the winter additional humidification is necessary. It is produced by spraying from a spray bottle, placing containers with water near a flower. When there is a lot of begonia in the house, it makes sense to purchase a special automatic humidifier.

Planting begonias

A young plant is planted in a pot, no more than eight to ten cm in diameter. One third is filled with drainage (sand, gravel, etc.), charcoal is poured onto it, and a layer of up to two or three cm is prevented. Even with excessive watering. Next, a flower with an earthy lump is placed in a pot, after which, gently sprinkling earth, fill the existing voids. Then the plant is abundantly watered.

Planting is recommended before the start of active growth and flowering, when the day is short - in February-April or October-November. Tuber species need to be first germinated: to do this, the tubers are placed on moist soil in a box, while not digging in, removed in a lighted place, the temperature in which is not more than 15-17 degrees, humidity - 65-75%.


Water the flower must be separated (24-36 hours) with water at room temperature, preferably rain or snow (thawed), but in no case boiled. All breeds of begonias are moisture-loving, but too often this is not worth doing - it is the air humidity that is more important here, otherwise the leaves start to dry. In the heat, abundant watering is required, but water stagnation must be avoided - for this, drainage holes are made in the pot, through which excess moisture leaves. It is watered when the upper layers of the soil become completely dry one to two cm deep. In winter, the tuberous species are watered no more than once a month, the rest - every 7-12 days.

Top dressing

Feed the begonium in the period of maximum active growth, flowering. Top dressing of decorative-flowering rocks is made before the first buds appeared, about once every ten days. For this purpose, liquid specialized complex compositions are used. When the flowers are already "tied", apply phosphate-potash fertilizers. Exclusively deciduous species are fed with mixtures containing a large amount of nitrogen - in ornamental flowering, the flowering process starts much later or is completely absent due to them.

How to transplant

Begonia is transplanted in spring or autumn, before the beginning of the growing season, preferably in the morning or evening when there is no sun. When a flower needs to be transplanted, its roots are visible from the drainage holes. The plant with the roots pulled out of the pot, placed in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed in distilled water. If necessary, rotted, damaged roots are removed. After the plant is transplanted into a pot, the diameter is more than the previous two or three cm. The flower is put on the "old" place, watering for the first two weeks more often than usual.

The older the plant, the harder it is to replant. Copies older than three or four years when planted should be divided into several parts.

Begonia in winter

In winter, the flower is watered a little less, because for the plant comes a period of rest. In evergreen species it is poorly pronounced, in tuberous ones it is rather long lasting. In winter, acceptable conditions for decorative species - 15-21 degrees, high humidity. Tuberous "are preparing for sleep" since October - the foliage they gradually die off, because watering is almost not needed. When the above-ground part is completely destroyed, the pots are placed in a dark place, with a temperature of 10-13 degrees. If the tuberous plants do not enter rest, they should be “forced”, otherwise there will be no flowering next year. Watering at the same time sharply reduced, cut off the aerial part.


Begonia is a monoecious plant, and both female and male flowers are available on each specimen. All of them are located in the axils of the leaves or are collected in racemes, in color - white and yellow, orange and red, pink and silver Wild specimens have flowers up to 10-12 cm in size, but by breeding hybrids have been bred, with even larger flowers - up to 25-29 cm in diameter. These flowers are markedly different from their "ancestors", more reminiscent of camellias, garden roses.

Breeding methods

Seeds of Begonia are not always formed, but this does not interfere with prosperous reproduction. Most often, begonium propagated by pieces of the stem, cuttings, leaf processes, division of rhizome, tuber. Different methods are different in terms of complexity and rooting speed, but if done correctly, they all end successfully.

Growing from seed

Flower seeds are rarely grown from seeds - this is not the fastest way, but the simplest. Sowing is carried out in February-March, scattering small seeds on the surface of the ground - no need to deepen. Flowerpots put in a warm bright place, covered with glass, transparent film material.

Watering is done through a pallet or spray. When the shoots appeared, the shelter is removed. A pick is performed when there are already three or four "adult" leaflets. After seven to nine weeks, the seedlings are transplanted into separate small pots. With enough light, watering, they bloom in the first year of life.

Division of tuber or rhizome

Hardwood begonium breeds are often propagated by dividing rhizomes. The procedure is performed in early spring - the plant is removed from the ground, the rhizome is divided into two or more parts with a sharp clean knife. Each piece must have roots, buds or sprouts. The cut is sprinkled with fine charcoal, the “delenki” are seated in separate small flowerpots. Tubers of plants are also permissible to divide - they are carefully cut into the required number of parts, cuts slightly dried, powdered with charcoal, planted in pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cutting is the easiest breeding option for begonias. Slices are cut from the bush, on which there are three or more leaves, cuts sprinkled with charcoal. The resulting cuttings are planted in a mixture of peat, sand, leafy land, taken in equal proportions. Flowerpots are placed on a bright, warm area, where there is no direct sunlight. Watering should be moderate, as the soil dries. Rooting is also possible in a cup of water, which is periodically changed. The roots appear after three to four weeks, and the flower is ready for planting.

Leaf reproduction

Begonia is unique in that the whole plant is able to emerge from a small part of a juicy, thick leaf. For germination will need a pot or a bowl of wet river sand, a piece of thin clear glass. It is permissible to use both a whole healthy leaf and its pieces.

The leaf is separated from the mother plant, turned over, a large tendon is cut in several places with a scalpel, laid down in a “wrong” part down on the wet sand pre-calcined in the pan, covered with glass or a small weight. Watered through the pan. In a month and a half or two months, where the cuts were made, the roots will grow, and after another couple of weeks - real plants. When they get a little stronger, they are transplanted into soil mixture from peat, sand, fertile land.

Diseases, pests

Like most indoor flowers, begonia are sometimes damaged by various diseases, parasites. This happens when the plant is weakened due to inadequate conditions of maintenance - improper watering, excessive heat or cold, lack of feeding, excessive crowding, etc.

Of the parasites Begonia most often damage:

  • red spider mites;
  • aphid;
  • nematode.

Паразиты питаются соком растения, потому оно постепенно засыхает, листья тускнеют, цветение прекращается. От клеща применяют инсектицидные средства типа "Децис", "Деррис", против тли - "Карбофос", "Актеллик". Обработок обычно производят две-три, с перерывом в 10-15 дней. When infected with nematodes help spraying "Mercapthos", "Phosphamide", but if the infection has already gone too far, the flower will not be able to save. Prevention of infestation by parasites - clean, preferably sun-warmed, the earth, enough light, mandatory quarantine for each new flower in the collection.

Begonias sometimes get sick:

  • gray rot;
  • black root rot;
  • true or downy mildew;
  • botrytis;
  • cucumber mosaic;
  • bacterial wilt;
  • tomato spot.

The last three diseases are incurable, because the flower will have to be destroyed. In other cases, acceptable treatment - drugs "Quadris", "Fundazol", Bordeaux liquid.


Growing begonias is a great hobby that allows you to originally decorate your house, apartment with greenery all year round. Unpretentious plant has a great diversity of species that allows you to select the appropriate instance for every taste. If you comply with the minimum requirements for planting, watering, light, and some others, the flower will delight the owner with its beautiful foliage and even bloom for a long time.

Watch the video: Indoor Begonia Care Guide . Garden Answer (April 2024).

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